The McCreedy Bust
Although from now on he will always be McGreedy in my mind. What a total jerk Big Mac is. Cheating, backstabbing blackmailer! The boys...
ASJ-The Pilot
This episode is so so funny. It's full of much broader comedy than the series that followed. Earl Holliman IMO nearly runs away with the...
McCreedy Bust GGG.
I've been neglecting this little corner of the net so decided to remedy that today. In honour of Lee Major's birthday INSP is showing The...
Some pictures to illustrate my fic :)
I am writing a story that I feel really needs illustrations so here we are :)
10 Ways to cure writers block.
From this site: 1. Take a Hike “Overcoming writer’s block is,...
The Beginning of Always
Title: The Beginning of Always. Genre: Gen Warnings: Violence, non-explicit attempted male rape. Death of minor characters. Summary:...