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  • rachie74uk

Text and collage for Kid Curry's Rules for Writing


"Well, Heyes has ‘em, so I figured I should too, seeing as its me who's most affected by what gets written. 'Sides might shut Heyes up for 'bout ten minutes while I'm reading 'em."

“Just get on with it, Kid...I can hear cards calling my name in the saloon.”

"One woman per story must be affected by my (whatcha call ‘em now) Oh yes, one lady must be treated to my magic kisses and get that look in her eyes as it makes it more realistic."

Heyes snorted and muttered,“Charlotte Austin...Betsy...”

“What was that Heyes?”

“Nothing, Kid, carry on.”

“Sounds like ya getting a cough. Oh yeah that gives me an idea for a good rule

Heyes gets sick at least one story a year, so I can show off my gentler side. I’m told ladies like that in a man, so long as I ain’t a wimp of course, as I don’t wanna give any lady interested, the wrong idea ‘bout me."

“Ya know, Kid, maybe you oughta add a rule that don’t concern women.”

“Good idea, Heyes…”

"Pie, there has to be pie in at least three stories, preferably cherry, but apple will do."

“You know Kid, I get the feeling you ain’t taking this real serious.”

“Well, there ain’t no point, as no one is gonna pay attention to ‘em anyway, if those rules of yours is anything to go by. But all right, how 'bout this one?”

"If ya gotta beat me up, gimme some comfort. I’d prefer some pretty girl, but I guess I’ll have to put up with it being Heyes, as you’d probably end up killin’ the poor girl anyway, so it better be Heyes."

“Hey, I’m real good at taking care of ya, Kid. If it was left to some girl, you’d only scare her by all that cursing and stomping ya do when you’re recovering. Some of them words make even me blush I can tell ya.”

Kid gave his partner a glare, before being diverted again, as he stared down at the writing and snapped his fingers. ”That reminds me of something else.”

"Do ya really have to kill every one of my women off? It ain’t real fair, and sure makes me look a mite careless, and a bad prospect for settling down. I already got a rep that makes it hard, so maybe I could keep at least one of my women."

“That ain’t a rule, Kid.”

“I know it ain’t, Heyes, but I’m figuring maybe a plea to her softer side might work. She is a woman after all.”

“Oh, Kid, how many times do I gotta tell ya? She ain’t a woman, she’s a…”

“Now, Heyes, insulting her only hurts me, and these is my rules, not yours.”

“Suit yourself, Kid, but I'm hiding the whisky.”

“Maybe she is listening, I mean she ain't hurt me for at least two stories.”

“She shot you!”

“It was just a scratch, Heyes and look how much money she gave us.”

“Well it was Halloween, which is probably her Christmas or something.”

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